The friendship between these two schools has been thriving for over 12 months now – and is set to grow even stronger ... One is based in a remote rural location on the shores of Lake Victoria and the other in an urban area in North East England - but this contrast makes for an exciting and mutually beneficial relationship.
The important exchange of pupils’ work, letters and photos continues. Through this, staff and pupils are learning about each other’s everyday life and culture. They really enjoy this and it’s clear that it is opening up their worlds in a way that won’t be forgotten! Also both schools now have great display boards that showcase the partnership and keep it fresh in everyone’s minds.

And here are just a few examples of the fantastic work that has crossed continents recently!
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Regent Farm First School is also very committed to supporting Mercy’s development in any way they can. In the summer term the School Council came up with the idea of sponsored sports events to raise funds for much-needed classroom furniture at Mercy. Good chairs and tables do make a real difference to how well children learn. Thanks to the support of parents, teachers and all pupils, the original target was exceeded and over £600 was raised!

In schools in developed countries we take good desks and chairs for granted, but at Mercy some of the pupils now have comfortable chairs and a flat desk surface for the first time.
If you are interested in finding out more about our school partnership programme, please contact